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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman works on a painting under an ornate arch topped by three pentacles. Two women stand nearby watching and admiring her work.

This card is a sign that all is going well. If you have started a new business, embarked on a new project, or begun a health or fitness routine, you are seeing the signs of progress and even of prosperity. You've paid attention and done the best that you can. You are getting attention and probably reimbursement for your work. Not only is the external recognition satisfying, but you are also finding much personal fulfillment in your endeavors.

If reversed, this card suggests that things are not going according to plan. Maybe you've taken on too much and cannot handle everything very well. Or it could mean you haven't applied yourself as well as you could have.

Use your intuition

  • One of the women watching holds a parchment. What is written or drawn on it and what is its significance her?
  • There are three pentacle, two candles, and one ladder. Do these add meaning to the image?

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